Pentarium (GER)

Zwischenwelt (2018)
Schwarzmaler (2016)
Blood For Blood (2012)
The Avenger EP (2009)
PENTARIUM was founded in 2006. Within two years and after various changes in the line-up, the band managed to establish themselves in the scene. They won two band contests and henceforth shared the stage with bands like EKTOMORF, DRONE, HERE COMES THE KRAKEN & DISBELIEF. This was followed by their first release in the form of the EP ‘The Avenger’ in 2009 which brought in concerts as supporting act for EISREGEN and AGATHODAIMON. In 2012 the band released their album ‘Blood for Blood’ single-handedly.
To enhance the bands memorability and to bring the songs’ topics closer to the fans, the five musicians decided to compose their lyrics predominantly in German. The result can be found in their 2016 release ‘Schwarzmaler’, which extended the band’s fame far over the Hessian borders. PENTARIUM also evolved consequently in the following year; next to numerous concerts working on new song material was a major priority. The 2018 released album ‘Zwischenwelt’ demonstrates the band’s wide stylistic spectrum.
In 2022 PENTARIUM joined forces with DARKSTORM RECORDS to begin a new chapter. The quintet delivers grooving Melo-Death with a dash of modernity; accompanied by melodic keyboard and synthesizer passages. With their perfect symbiosis of the strengths of the Scandinavian sound and Modern Metal, PENTARIUM draws the listener into a spell.